MPN10: Track the Severity of your MF- or ET-related symptoms

Fill out the form below to track the burden of your symptoms.

Using the sliders below, select a number from 1 to 10 (0 if absent) for each symptom. 1 is most favorable and 10 least favorable.



Night sweats

Filling up quickly when you eat

(early satiety)



Abdominal discomfort

Bone pain

(diffuse not joint pain or arthritis)



(>37.8°C or >100°F)

Problems with concentration

– Compared to prior to my MPN

Unintentional weight loss last 6 months

To help you and your healthcare provider get a clear overall picture of how you feel with MF or ET, each of your scores for the above symptoms will be added up to calculate your total symptom score.

Your score
00 /100

Use the additional space below to describe your general well-being over the past week or any other information you may want to discuss with your healthcare provider, such as what may be helping to alleviate or worsen symptoms, or how you cope with symptoms.

Your symptoms
have been saved

Maintain open conversation with your healthcare provider about your symptoms and any changes you may experience in how you feel

When living with a chronic condition like MF or ET, it is important that you take an active role in monitoring your symptoms and discussing changes with your healthcare provider. Tell your healthcare provider if any of your symptoms become worse or more challenging for you.

The following questions may help you discuss your symptoms with your healthcare provider:

  • Why is it important to track or monitor my symptoms?
  • Are some symptoms more important to track closely than others?
  • How can I tell if the symptoms are due to my MPN or not?
  • What might it mean if my symptoms come and then appear to resolve?
  • How can I better track improving or worsening symptoms?
  • What might worsening, or progressing, symptoms tell me about the status of my disease?


  1. Emanuel, RM, et al. Myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) symptom assessment form total symptom score: prospective international assessment of an abbreviated symptom burden scoring system among patients with MPNs. J Clin Oncol 2012 30(33):4098.
  2. Mesa R, Miller CB, Thyne M, et al. Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) have a significant impact on patients’ overall health and productivity: the MPN Landmark survey. BMC Cancer. 2016;16(167):1-10.

This web application is intended for use as a resource and diary tracker for patients with myelofibrosis, polycythaemia vera, or essential thrombocythaemia . Information provided on this web application, including outputs from its interactive features, should not be considered an alternative to medical or management advice from your healthcare provider team.

This tool helps you track aspects of
your myelofibrosis (MF) or essential
thrombocythaemia (ET) so you are
prepared for discussions with your
healthcare provider and have a record
of your disease status over time.

Score your symptom severity as often
as you like.